This is the second of four courses which comprise the course Learning to teach. Traditionally student teachers are supported by a mentor in school and a tutor from a university. Both play distinctive and important parts in the teachers development. This free course, Mentoring and tutoring student teachers, examines each role in detail and explores the similarities and distinctions between the two roles. Whether you are a tutor or a mentor, effective teacher education relies on all partners working effectively together to create an environment where student teachers can critically reflect on their experiences in a structured way.
Course learning outcomes
After studying this course, you should be able to:
understand the differences between tutoring and mentoring in Initial Teacher Education (ITE)
consider the similarities and differences between tutoring and mentoring pedagogy
develop a range of strategies for supporting beginner teachers.
The course allows me to view different perspective in mentoring and handling student teachers. I learn that mentor and student teacher should work together with an openness that cater's ones difference either their weakness or strength.