Education & Development
Principles and practices of peace education
Principles and practices of peace education explores how peace might be built in everyday classroom practice. It can be used as individual study or as a basis for CPD with a larger group. It introduces layers of peace education for children and young people, including inner-peace and wellbeing; interpersonal peace through positive relationships ...

Education & Development
Sustainable pedagogies
Welcome to the 'Sustainable pedagogies' OpenLearn Create course. This free course is aimed at all educators who want to develop their professional practice to prepare their students to become agents for sustainability in a world that urgently needs to become sustainable. The course focuses on the central role that education can and should ...

Science, Maths & Technology
Understanding autism
Learn about autism, one of the most challenging long-term conditions of the century. This free course, Understanding autism, introduces the autism spectrum, how it is experienced by individuals and families, and why it has become a global concern. The course explains how understanding of the autism spectrum and approaches to diagnosis and care ...

Education & Development
Exploring youth violence: what would you do?
Urban youth violence is a global problem that goes beyond policing and is best understood when viewed from a political economic and youth development perspective.

Health, Sports & Psychology
An introduction to death, dying and grief
Explore interesting and challenging ideas around death, dying and grief. This free course, An introduction to death, dying and grief, invites you to think more deeply about death and dying and encourages you to think about it in different ways. This course will introduce you to different perspectives on death; ethical issues related to dying and...

Science, Maths & Technology
Science, Maths & Technology Hub
The rules of the universe and how we work with them.

Education & Development
Scottish early learning and childcare practitioners' courses
Welcome to the module ‘Identifying and supporting additional support needs in early learning and childcare’ (ELC). This module has been commissioned by the Scottish Government and produced in partnership with members of the Early Childhood team at the Open University. The content of the module reflects Scottish Government policy and is ...

Test your language skills: Spanish, French, Italian and German
How are your language skills? Heading off on a trip to Spain, France, Italy or Germany and want to know how you'd fare getting by? Find out with our virtual, interactive adventures and test your language skills on the way!

Health, Sports & Psychology
Harry Potter and death and bereavement
What does the Harry Potter series have in common with our Muggle world when it comes to death and bereavement? Dr Sam Murphy explores.

Write it right: seven common writing mistakes
Tutors told us that students make several of the same common writing mistakes which can impact the grades they receive for their Open University assignments.

Health, Sports & Psychology
Being a boy
What is life like for boys today? In what follows, we explore aspects of contemporary boyhood, drawing on research conducted at The Open University and elsewhere.

Education & Development
Social media - fake news, filter bubbles and sharing wisely!
Meet Frank and travel with him on his adventures through the (sometimes foggy) realms of social media. Explore sharing, filter bubbles and fake news- maybe you can learn from Frank's mistakes with the help of Josie Long.