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Tips for returning to education

Updated Friday, 12 May 2023

Higher education students at Cardiff and the Vale College share their tips to prepare for a return to education after a break.

Returning to education after a break, regardless of how long, is never an easy task. Whatever your reason for taking a break, there are ways you can make your education experience this time round a positive one.

Higher Education students from Cardiff and the Vale college who have found their own pathways back into education share their top tips.

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1. Plan your weeks

You may have many competing priorities in your life, such as jobs or family commitments, some of which cannot be moved. This is a challenge faced by many students. Don’t panic! Make a realistic plan to build study time into your weekly schedule.

2. Ask for help

Don’t be afraid to ask when you need help. There is no such thing as a silly question. Many others are probably wondering the same.

3. Celebrate your previous skills

You have not been left behind. There are many softer skills that you have developed, so use them and your experiences to your advantage.

4. Brush up on academic skills

Use your time in advance to improve your study skills such as research and referencing. This will help you feel more prepared. There are always study guides to help you along the way. Most libraries will have resources to help you develop your academic skills.

5. Get into the habit of reading

This can be anything! Starting to think more critically about what you are reading will help you with your studies.

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