In this free course, Working with diversity in services for children and young people, you read a book chapter by Jenny Douglas which provided you with an understanding of the experiences and needs of black and minority ethnic young people and an introduction to the concept of intersectionality. The video that you watched about the work of a project for minority ethnic young people in Wales provided some practical examples of working with diversity. The video featuring Kimberlé Crenshaw provided further insight into the meaning of intersectionality and its relevance for everyday practice. Reflecting on the diverse social identities of children and young people that you know and the implications for your own practice will have provided you with insights that will help to make that practice more effective.
This OpenLearn course is an adapted extract from the Open University course E809 Frameworks for critical practice with children and young people [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] .