Renee's story is based on an Open University research study on women’s abortion experiences which showed how common it is for women to become pregnant when they don’t want to be.
* These videos use actors to tell the stories from real life case studies about abortion experiences.
If you are affected by issues in this video, BPAS has more information which may help
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Helpful links and information
Video resources:
Videos from BPAS (British Pregnancy Advisory Service) including descriptions of all the different contraceptive methods, and what to expect with different abortion methods
Hannah Whitton videos by a young person for young people on sex and relationships.
NHS adverts about contraception and sexual health
Pro-Choice advocacy:
- Abortion Rights – supporting women’s right to safe, free and legal abortion
- Blogposts on a range of abortion related issues from Education For Choice
- Voice for Choice – the UK pro-choice coalition
- Alliance for Choice – campaigning for legal abortion in Northern Ireland
- My body my rights – Amnesty International campaign for legal abortion in Northern Ireland
Information for health professionals:
- The care of women requesting induced abortion. Evidence-based clinical guideline number 7 from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
- Decision-making support within the integrated care pathway for women considering or seeking abortion – guidance for commissioners executive summary or full guidance
- Family Planning Association – for information about sexual health and contraceptive, information about training for health professionals, resources for professionals and patients, find a clinic tool, information about sex and relationships
- Bish Training for training and resources to teach young people about sex and relationships
- Sex Education Forum for information on sex education legislation and policy, evidence about sex and relationships education, best practice guidance, and access to training and resources
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