Further reading
Bailey, R., Collins, D., Ford, P., MacNamara, A., Toma, M., and Pearce, G. (2010) ‘Participant Development in Sport: An Academic Review’ [Online] Leeds, sports coach UK. Available at www.sportni.net/ NR/ rdonlyres/ 991FF96E-C6DB-4700-A900-F4DF2732E81A/ 0/ ParticipantDevelopmentinSport.pdf [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] (Accessed 5 September 2012).
Eccles, J. Adler, T.F., Futterman, R., Goff, S.B., Kaczala, C.M., and Meece, J.L. (1983) ‘Expectancies, values, and academic behaviours’, in Spence, J.T. (ed) Achievement and Achievement Motivation, San Francisco, W.H. Freeman.
Moore, L.L., Lombardi, D.A., White, M.J., Campbell, J.L., Oliveria, S. A. and Ellison, R.C. (1991) ‘Influence of parents’ physical activity levels on activity levels of young children’, Journal of Pediatrics, vol. 118, pp. 215–219.