This free course was written by Mary Larkin.
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Reading 1: Lee, K., (2004) ‘Globalisation: what is it and how does it affect health?’, Medical Journal of Australia, vol. 180, no. 4, pp. 156–8, February 2004, Medical Journalists Association. With Kind permission from Professor Kelley Lee.
Course image: Globe © Nasa Visible Earth: Image created by Reto Stokli with the help of Alan Nelson, under the leadership of Fritz Hasler. Illustrated Figures and text © Open University.
Figure 1: Adapted from: Agewatch Index (2015) based on data from UNDESA Population Division, World Population Prospects: The 2015 Revision.
Figure 2: © ARENA creative/
Keep on learning section figure: © Konstantin Chagin/
Table 1: Adapted from United Nations (2013) ‘UN marks World Mental Health Day by focusing on well-being of ageing populations’, UN News Centre.
Table 2: Adapted from Koplan J. P., Bond, T. C., Merson, M. H., Reddy, K. S., Rodriguez, M. H., Sewankambo, N. K. and Wasserheit, J. N. (2009) ‘Towards a common definition of global health’, The Lancet, vol. 373, no. 9679, pp. 1993–5.
Video 1: International Monetary Fund.
Audio 1: Disability, Elderly, and Obesity, (2008) used with permission from Population Reference Bureau.
Audio 2: © The Open University.
Interactive assets
Slideshow: slide 1 image: Adapted from (2009). Data UN Population Division.
Slideshow: slide 2 image: © Tauanga City Libraries Staff - HC is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 New Zealand License.
Slideshow: slide 3 image: © United Nations.
Slideshow: slide 4 image: Carsten Koall/Stringer/Getty Images.
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