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The Quilt of Excellence: how to support older people with learning disabilities and their families

Updated Monday, 24 April 2023

Explore what good care looks like in this short animation.

This content is associated with The Open University’s Health and Wellbeing qualifications.

The animation, based on cutting-edge research, explores the three key elements to providing excellent care to older people with learning disabilities.


You can see from the Quilt of Excellence animation that really good support for people with learning disabilities and their carers depends on supporting people to live well as they get older (e.g. having a good home and doing the things they really enjoy), supporting people to age well (e.g. helping them to cope with the physical, mental and emotional changes that take place as we age), and creating a caring environment for everyone concerned (e.g. looking after family carers, supporting staff and making sure the person with learning disabilities is in a nurturing environment where their rights are respected).

Our research showed that while excellent support for older people with learning disabilities does exist, it is unfortunately far from universal. There is still much to do in terms of improving policy and practice in this area.


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