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Tricky Topics in Nursing

Updated Friday, 22 November 2024

Nasogastric tube insertion, chest auscultation, intramuscular injection and oxygen administration are all demonstrated in these videos suitable for nurses and other healthcare professionals.  

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These procedures are to be undertaken by trained healthcare professionals (HCPs) and the animations here are for information only. HCPs will undertake wider learning to support their practice(s) of such skills.

Nasogastric tube insertion

When patients have difficulty swallowing, a nasogastric tube is inserted through the nose and into the stomach to provide nutrition or medication. This video demonstrates nasogastric tube insertion. 


Reflective questions  

1. Consider what concerns might a person have about having a tube inserted. 

2. Consider what consent legislation is relevant to adults when considering this procedure

Chest auscultation

Chest auscultation is when a stethoscope is used to assess a patient's respiratory system. This video demonstrates chest auscultation.


Further information 

1. Listen to breath sounds: watching videos on YouTube and other platforms which include different breath sounds will help you to become familiar with them.  

2. Read: Relevant guidelines, policies and procedures for the health and social care environment where you work or study.    

3. Observe: Observe a registered healthcare professional performing the procedure on a real patient.  Compare your findings with theirs if appropriate. 

4. Read: Proctor, J. and Rickards, E. (2020) How to perform chest auscultation and interpret the findings. Nursing Times; Vol:116(1), pp.23-26. 

Intramuscular injection

An intramuscular injection delivers medication deep into the muscles, allowing the bloodstream to absorb the medication quickly. This video demonstrates the administration of an intramuscular injection. 


Further information

Find out more on the NHS Learning hub 

Oxygen administration

Oxygen administration is a treatment that provides patients with supplemental, or extra, oxygen. This video demonstrates the administration of oxygen therapy 


Reflective questions 

Reflect on the different ways that oxygen therapy might be given to a patient. 

For more information refer to:

British Thoracic Society Emergency Oxygen Guideline Development Group (2017) BTS Guideline for oxygen use in adults in healthcare and emergency settings. Thorax: Journal of the British Thoracic Society 72(1): i1 –i89 Online: doi:10.1136/thoraxjnl-2016-209729



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