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Welsh history and its sources
Welsh history and its sources

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Wales glossary

Wales glossary
Sunday, 5 May 2024, 11:38 PM
Site: Open Learning
Course: Welsh history and its sources (CYMRU_1)
Glossary: Wales glossary


Belief in political reform on a democratic basis. In a nineteenth century context usually refers to the reforming wing of the Liberal Party.

Rebecca Riots

Agrarian disturbances in west Wales, 183943, featuring attacks on toll-gates led by rioters dressed in women’s clothes (‘Rebecca’). The use of the name may relate to a reference in the Bible to Rebecca and her descendants inheriting the gates of their enemies.


Rightly, correctly.


Catholics who refused to attend Church of England services as required by the Elizabethan Act of Uniformity, 1559.

Reform and Redistribution Act of 1884

Known as the Third Reform Act. The previous Reform Act in 1867 had given householders and lodgers in boroughs the vote; the 1884 Act extended this vote to the counties. There were seven ways by which a person could qualify for the vote, but 80 per cent of voters came under the household and occupation franchise.


Movement for the reform of the Church which brought in Protestantism, the rejection of the authority of the Pope, and the dissolution of the monasteries in the sixteenth century.

Reform League

Formed 1864. Mainly working–class movement campaigning for the vote for all men and for the secret ballot. Strongly supported the Liberals in the 1868 election.


Sums paid by an heir to his lord in order to secure succession to his predecessor’s land.

Religious Census (Census of Religions Worship)

Held in 1851. The only official systematic count of religious worship in modern times  part of the official (decennial) census of 1851. Recorded every person attending morning, afternoon and evening services in places of worship in England and Wales.


Pertaining to the policies of Rendel, Stuart.