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Using data to aid organisational change
Using data to aid organisational change

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Organisational context

A context that captures the culture, practices, knowledge and skills within an organisation and the associated risks, challenges or opportunities for internal (owners, managers and/or employees) and external stakeholders. Different organisations have different missions, objectives, resources and capabilities, which shape their ownership and governance (e.g. listed corporations, family and non-family firms, single and group ownership structures). As an organisation evolves, different demands arise that might lead to a change in the organisational context.


Research participants

People who provide research projects with data of some kind. Such data can be their own words, in the form of interviews, focus groups, surveys or everyday observation of their activities. It can mean participation in quantitative analysis, such as facilitating access to organisational data or participating in the completion of surveys which generate numerical data.



A person, group or organisation with an interest in a specific issue, project or policy. Stakeholders can be internal or external to the organisation.