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Exploring learning disabilities: supporting belonging
Exploring learning disabilities: supporting belonging

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2.1 Attending a special school

But what is it like to actually attend a special school?

Activity _unit5.2.2 Activity 4 First hand experiences of going to a special school

Timing: Allow about 10 minutes


Being listened to


Being bullied


Having opportunities to do extra-curricular activities


Not being taken seriously


Feeling very supported

The correct answers are b, c and d.

While there were some positive experiences recounted by the people on the film, you may have been surprised by how many bad experiences they discussed. This even included a case of abuse not being taken seriously. The film does not convey experiences of school that were highly supportive or nurturing. However, Dayo and Terry did give examples of some of the good things they did while at special school, such as getting involved in sports and drama.