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Coping in isolation: Time to Think
Coping in isolation: Time to Think

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3 Adjusting to the ‘new normal’

This is a photograph of an empty road.
Figure 5 The road ahead …

Over time you, along with millions of people around the world, will have learned new ways of coping with the challenges of social isolation and social distancing imposed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. These may include adjusting to living in close quarters with others, losing privacy, and living under new rules. Some of these rules are externally imposed by the state or government of the country you live in. Others are created by you or those you live with, in order to keep you safe or to make co-habiting under current restrictions more manageable.

You will now listen to a second audio. In this conversation between Michael and David, they reflect on some on ways in which adapted to cope with those first few days in isolation.

Activity 4 Adjusting to isolation and confinement

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Audio 2: Adjusting to isolation and confinement
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Audio 2 transcript (Word document) [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)]

Take a moment to reflect on some of the ways in which you are adapting to make your new living situation easier for you and/or for those who live with you. Have you experienced any examples of support from others or provided support yourself?

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Everyone’s ways of adapting will be different. You may have considered some of the following adjustments.

  • Changing old routines and creating new ones
  • Taking on slightly different roles
  • Making an extra effort to be kind to people
  • Making space for and give way to others before they need to ask

You may have already surprised yourself with the resources you have both individually and as a family, household or community. You may also find the following advice helpful as you continue to adjust to this new normal and the uncertainty it brings.

Some thoughts to keep hold of:

  • It’s okay to feel scared.
  • Remember that many other people are also going through this.
  • Find ways to stay connected with friends or your local community or to make new friends.
  • Take one day at a time.
  • Remember your sense of humour.
  • Remember your own skills and resources
  • Above all- understand why you are doing this and why it matters – this is not just for you, this is for the general good.

Now listen to the final audio in this session. Here David and Michael reflect back on their time ‘inside’ and offer some final words of advice, having emerged the other side of this experience.

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Audio 3: No end in sight
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Audio 3 transcript (Word document)