Session 8: Moving on – life after sport

As you saw in Session 7, retirement from sport can be very difficult. But it can also be a positive experience through which athletes can identify new opportunities. In this session you will explore some case studies of athletes who have successfully made the transition into life after sport and the journey they have been on.
Watch this video on life after sport [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] from the beginning until 01:25. It introduces some of the challenges athletes face as they approach life after sport, which can serve as a reminder of the need for retirement planning as you explored in Sessions 3 and 7.
By the end of this session you should be able to:
- appreciate life after sport experiences of a range of different athletes
- understand the opportunities available to athletes after they retire from sport
- identify the emotional and psychological impact of life after sport.