5 Practise adjectives of nationality
Now have a go at Activity 5.
Activity 5
Imagine you’re in Tours, in France, and just getting to know a group of people who are all gathered together at the start of a course for learners of French.
Look for clues and select the correct form of the adjective of nationality:
Using the following two lists, match each numbered item with the correct letter.
a.Elisabeth ? Elle est (German).
b.Anouchka, elle est (Russian).
c.Moi, je m’appelle Carlos et je suis (Spanish).
d.Maribel est (Spanish).
e.Anna-Maria est (Italian).
- 1 = a
- 2 = d
- 3 = b
- 4 = e
- 5 = c
Before you move on, make sure you’ve noted in your language notebook any new vocabulary or structures that you’ve learned so far this week.