7 End-of-course summary
Congratulations, you have completed Week 5 and come to the end of the course.
For Week 5, you should now have
- deepened your understanding of the opposition between the orthography and pronunciation of consonants
- developed an understanding of the differences between consonantal sounds in Spanish and English
- reflected on the main difficulties in pronunciation for English speakers
- reflected on your own practice and the most challenging points for your students.
Congratulations on completing the course! Hopefully you have now met the course learning outcomes:
- understand the importance of learning and teaching pronunciation
- identify the most relevant challenges your students might face
- formulate realistic goal settings with regard to pronunciation
- design activities that enhance the acquisition of Spanish pronunciation.
If you are interested in learning more Spanish on OpenLearn take a look at our spanish resources [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] .