6 Train timetables
Train timetables are available on the Italian railways (Trenitalia) website. As in most European cities, Italian railway stations provide live departure and arrival information on digital electronic boards (‘Partenze’ and ‘Arrivi’ respectively), showing the scheduled time (ora), platform (binario), destination (destinazione) or station of origin (provenienza), type of train (tipo) (for example, Intercity, regionale, etc.) and any delay (ritardo). These electronic boards generally only show trains departing or arriving over the next two to three hours.
You will also find large printed timetables on notice boards (one for Partenze and one for Arrivi) listing all regular train departures and arrivals for a 24-hour period, in chronological order, with information on platform, destination, type of train and stops in between. The sheer number of trains on one poster, however, and the number of people crowded around the same board, can often make it quite difficult to find your train details, especially if you know the destination but don’t have information about the departure time. To avoid this problem, many passengers use the Trenitalia app to check train times and progress in real time and to view the latest arrivals and departure information of a particular station.