11 Summary
This session has introduced you to the Greek alphabet and presented two examples of Greek writing from the ancient world, an ostrakon and an inscription.
You have also begun to develop two important skills:
- recognising the Greek letters, lower case and capitals
- reciting the Greek alphabet, from alpha to omega.
You certainly aren’t expected to have mastered everything yet, but hopefully this session has seen you off to a good start. You will continue to reinforce and develop your understanding as you progress through the course.
If you would like more practice, you could revisit the Introducing Ancient Greek website [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] from Activity 8 – especially the sections entitled ‘Letters’ and ‘Sequence’. A second go at the ‘Letters’ section might be particularly valuable before embarking on the study of pronunciation in Session 2.
Please note: we’ve had numerous reports of the practice site content not displaying properly. If you’re having trouble with it, try copying and pasting this link instead: http://www.open.ac.uk/Arts/greek
You can now move on to Session 2.