7 Summary of Week 5
This week you have focused on promoting yourself and your offer in a variety of ways – identifying your unique selling proposition and investigating different marketing ideas. You have prepared an elevator pitch and considered ways to connect with your target audience, from networking to setting up an online shop. Finally, you’ve explored marketing your business through social media, looking at different platforms and choosing the best one for you at this stage.
You should now be able to:
- identify what makes your business idea or proposition stand out
- pitch your offer effectively to your target audience
- understand how social media and online marketing can be used to generate interest.
Now that you’ve finished the content for this week, you might find it useful to revisit this week’s introductory video to listen again to the experiences and opinions of our freelance interviewees.
Next week you’ll look at another vital ingredient for a successful business – funding and investment.
You can now go to Week 6 [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] .