7 Summary of Session 1
This session has introduced you to the concept of resilience through an examination of a number of research studies of resilience in different sporting contexts.
The main learning points of this session include the following:
- Resilience is a skill that can be developed, although there are factors that can influence an individual’s ability to be resilient.
- Resilience consists of three components: adversity (stressor), protective factors and positive adaptation.
- Team resilience differs from individual resilience in that it involves relationships and requires a difference set of qualities including group structure, importance of collective confidence, deep emotional bonds, and social identity.
- A cluster effect is when there is an accumulation, or grouping, of stressors, rather than experiencing just one which can impact on our ability to be resilient.
- Students can experience a number of stressors in the PE environment. Research informs us that there are strategies that PE teachers can implement to buffer against these to facilitate the development of resilience.
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