Session 8: Seeking expert support and accessing services
Congratulations on reaching the final session of the course! You will have learned a great deal since starting to study this course and you will appreciate how complex mental health issues are, as well as the many challenges involved in supporting a young person. This session goes a little deeper in exploring these many challenges and considers the steps involved in gaining additional help. The session will introduce you to a range of professional interventions that are potentially available should you and the young person decide these might be necessary. It will also explore the referral processes that can help you to gain access to these services. By way of introduction to these topics, listen to the following audio in which a parent explains how they came to view getting help for her daughter.
Transcript: Audio 1: Getting help
In this clip, the parent clearly describes how telling someone to ‘pull themselves together’, or thinking that they might grow out of the emotional issues they are experiencing may not always be the case. Parents often blame themselves for how their child is feeling but as this mum describes, it is important that parents recognise that help is available and can make a big difference to how ther child feels. At the heart of seeking help, it can be important to get a receptive conversation going with your young person as this may prevent the issue developing into something that is more difficult to deal with. But as this mum also points out, this is something you may need professional help to do.
In this session, you will begin by exploring the referral routes available to parents and practitioners working with young people. You will then consider different treatments for young people with mental health problems, before learning more about how talking therapies can help with a range of issues. Practitioners draw on a range of different strategies to help a young person, and you’ll learn more about these too.