Week 1: Football: a business like no other
Introduction to Week 1

Transcript: Course leaders Ben Oakley and Jacky Hinton introduce you to the course and Week 1.
This free course explores the business of football and has been developed by The Open University in partnership with the EFL Trust – the educational arm of the English Football League. We are very fortunate to be working with the Trust. They have been able to provide us with access to a wide range of people working within football, who you will encounter as you progress through the course.
One of the first challenges of this course is to explore football as a business that is different from many others. You’ll begin by considering two questions:
- What is the business of football?
- How and why does it differ from other businesses?
The English Football League [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] (EFL) (formerly the Football League) is based in England and Wales and is the world’s original league football competition. The 72 member clubs make it the largest single body of professional clubs in European football. The EFL celebrated its 134th anniversary in 2022.
The EFL Trust is a registered charity that governs, advises and audits the charitable trusts associated with the professional clubs of the English Football League, who have a combined annual turnover of over £44 million, and 2,500 members of staff, including teachers, coaches, professional health and social workers and many others to tackle community challenges.
Using the ‘Power of Football’, the Trust continues to flourish, delivering life improving projects, which engage with over 1.5 million people per year, focusing on education, sport, inclusion and health.