Week 2: The secrets of motivation and teams
Introduction to Week 2

Transcript: Ben and Jacky introduce you to Week 2.
In this week your focus will be on the people, including players, who work in football clubs. This enables us to investigate what motivates people at work. By asking those working behind the scenes at football clubs, from the boardroom to the boot room, what they find satisfying and dissatisfying in their job we can explore how leaders and managers might shape the working environment to get the best out of people. You’ll be asked to apply this to your own situation and to reflect, for example, on what motivates you to get up in the morning and go to work.
The second main theme this week is also one that you are likely to have had experience of – working in teams. You’ll be considering the factors that may make teams more likely to succeed and how teams influence an individual’s motivation. We draw on a rich seam of our own specially produced films to respond to the following questions:
- What can leaders and managers do to help enhance employees’ motivation and to make work satisfying in different parts of the football business?
- What makes some teams more likely to succeed than others and how do teams affect individual motivation?
These are complex issues and some of the research findings may well challenge your thinking.