Week 3: Globalisation and power relationships
Introduction to Week 3

Transcript: Ben and Jacky introduce you to Week 3, the final week of the course.
Welcome to the final week of The business of football.
So far you have been introduced to a range of ideas about business and management and shown how they might operate in the football business. In Week 1 you explored the shape of the business of football and some ways in which it is both similar to and different from other businesses. In Week 2 you looked at some of the factors that might affect motivation and effectiveness of individuals and teams in football and business more generally.
In this final week you will move on to examine two topical areas which affect most if not all businesses today and have a particular relevance in world of football: globalisation and power relationships. The intriguing questions you will start to address are:
- How is the football business expanding and operating globally?
- What are some of the power relationships that play a part in making football the business it is today?