1 Developing digital capabilities
You are now going to carry out a review of digital capacity (digital skills, expertise and know-how) within your school. Use this as a checklist so you can begin formulating a strategy to plan for building digital competencies in your school. You may wish to carry out something similar to poll staff about their development needs.
Activity 1
Have a think about the following statements, and score your thoughts, with 1 being ‘not at all true’, to 5 being ‘true for all’.
- Our pupils’ digital access and know-how are treated as an asset e.g. through peer mentoring.
- We have in-house expertise in content management including open content.
- Pupil-facing staff have regular professional development in using digital technologies.
- We have in-house expertise in multimedia learning design.
- Innovative teaching staff are rewarded, recognised and celebrated.
- There are people with digital expertise at all levels of the organisation.
- Our pupils can use their own devices in the classroom and pick up digital skills from each other.
- We have in-house expertise in learner analytics.
- Teaching staff have support to embed digital activities and resources into their subject teaching.
- Our pupils' digital capabilities are progressed throughout their curriculum.
- Teaching staff regularly see examples of innovative and excellent practice, inside and beyond the school.
- Our pupils know how to stay safe and how to behave appropriately online.
- Pupils use up-to-date digital tools and undertake authentic digital practices relevant to their subject area.
- Digital skills and practices are included in routine observations and appraisals of teaching staff.
- Our pupils have their IT skills assessed on entry and are signposted to any support they need.
- Parents and carers have their IT skills assessed and are signposted to any support they need.
After completing the review, note down some actions to follow up on.