5 Summary of Session 2
In summary, undoubtedly staff within your school will have developed competencies and skills in response to the unprecedented times of the global COVID-19 pandemic with restrictions and enforced school closures. School Leaders report they do not want to lose the tools and approaches for online learning that have developed. As School Leaders it is important to recognise that online learning is likely to have a place in every school, regardless of whether learning is taking place in school or remotely. It is also important to recognise that students will often have IT skills beyond those of the teacher and actively planning how to acknowledge and build on this could be important?
Perhaps there are ways of harnessing expertise amongst students to help students who are less confident? As always, it is important to consider teacher workload and manageability. There are opportunities to continue to build digital competencies across all stakeholders and embed digital skills as part of an approach to effective teaching in order to capitalise on new strengths that have developed.
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