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Introduction to Ukrainian language and culture
Introduction to Ukrainian language and culture

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1.2 Mary invites Viktoriia to visit

Listen to their conversation.

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Ukrainian Transliteration
Мері Привіт, Вікторіє! Meri Pryvit, Viktoriie!
Вікторія О, Мері, привіт! Viktoriia O, Meri, pryvit!
Мері Як справи? Meri Yak spravy?
Вікторія Добре, дякую, а як ти? Viktoriia Dobre, diakuiu, a yak ty?
Мері Теж непогано. Чи є новини? Meri Tezh nepohano. Chy ye novyny?
Вікторія Мері, Данило уже в школі! Viktoriia Meri, Danylo uzhe v shkoli!
Мері Це чудово! Гарна новина! Meri Tse chudovo! Harna novyna!
Вікторія Так, ми теж дуже раді! Viktoriia Tak, my tezh duzhe radi!
Мері Приходьте в гості! Meri Prykhodte v hosti!
Вікторія Дякую! Viktoriia Diakuiu!
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Take a closer look (Audio 4 transcript)

Now let’s take a closer look at this dialogue. It starts with informal greetings used by friends: Pryvit, Viktoriie! – O, Meri, pryvit! (‘Hello Viktoriia! – Oh, Mary, hello!’), Yak spravy? – ‘How are you?’. Viktoriia replies Dobre, diakuiu, a yak ty? (‘I am good, thank you, and how are you?’) Mary replies: Tezh nepohano. Yaki novyny? (‘Also not bad. Any news?’) Let’s repeat this question together: Chy ye novyny? _______________ Viktoriia happily replies: Meri, Danylo uzhe v shkoli! which means ’Mary, Danylo is already in the school!’

Mary replies: Tse chudovo! Harna novyna! (‘It’s wonderful! Good news!’) Novyna is singular of ‘news’, and novyny means ‘news’ in plural. Let’s repeat these words: novyna _____________, novyny _____________.

Viktoriia expresses their feelings too: Tak, my tezh duzhe radi! (‘Yes, we are also very happy‘). Radi is plural of the word radyi (’happy’).

At the end of the dialogue Mary invites Viktoriia and Danylo to her home. She says: Prykhodte v hosti! (which literally means ‘come in as guests’) Please repeat after me: ‘Prykhodte v hosti!’ ____________________ . Viktoriia replies: ‘Diakuiu!’ Now listen to the dialogue once again.

Table 2: Key language for chatting and invitations
Ukrainian Transliteration English translation
новини / новина novyny / novyna news (pl. / sing.)
школа shkola school
раді radi glad, happy (pl.)
приходьте в гості prykhodte v hosti come to my place.