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Introduction to Ukrainian language and culture
Introduction to Ukrainian language and culture

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5 How does it taste?

In this section, you learn words which describe taste and temperature. Listen to the recording and read the table below.

Table 5: Words to describe taste and temperature.
Ukrainian Transliteration English translation
Смачний / несмачний smachnyi / nesmachnyi tasty / not tasty
солодкий solodkyi sweet
кислий kyslyi sour
солоний solonyi salty
гіркий hirkyi bitter
гострий hostryi hot (spicy)
гарячий hariachyi hot (temperature)
теплий teplyi warm
холодний kholodnyi cold
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Nouns and adjectives part 1 (Audio 53 transcript)

You’ll also find the audio version of this explanation useful, for the pronunciation and to listen to when you are on the go!

Let’s start with nouns. Nouns are the names of people, places, things and ideas. We have mentioned before that all Ukrainian nouns have gender, even when there is nothing obviously masculine or feminine about them! It is just a way of sorting them into groups. Most nouns which finish on a consonant are masculine. Those ending on -a, -ia are usually feminine. Most nouns finishing on -o and -e are neuter.

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Activity 4: Select the correct information

Timing: 15 minutes

Look at the endings of these nouns and select the gender of each one from the dropdown menu.

Using the following two lists, match each numbered item with the correct letter.

  1. молоко moloko

  2. вода voda

  3. торт tort

  • a.feminine

  • b.masculine

  • c.neuter

The correct answers are:
  • 1 = c
  • 2 = a
  • 3 = b



Торт tort – ends with a consonant.


вода voda – ends in -a.


молоко moloko – ends in -o.

Why are you looking at gender now? It is because the endings of adjectives depend upon the gender of nouns.

Listen to the phrases on the recording and read the table. Try to work out the gender endings of the adjectives.

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Table 6: Adjectives with nouns of different genders
Ukrainian Transliteration English translation
Солодкий торт solodkyi tort sweet cake
кислий лимон kyslyi lymon sour lemon
солоний огірок solonyi ohirok salted cucumber, gherkin
солодка цукерка solodka tsukerka sweet sweet
кисле яблуко kysle yabluko sour apple
смачне печиво smachne pechyvo tasty biscuit
гостра ковбаса hostra kovbasa spicy sausage
гаряча кава hariacha kava hot coffee
холодна вода kholodna voda cold water
теплий чай teplyi chai warm tea
гіркий шоколад hirkyi shokolad bitter chocolate
холодне молоко kholodne moloko cold milk

Nouns and adjectives part 2 (Audio 55 transcript)

I hope you have noticed difference in adjectives’ gender endings. So, let’s sum it up. You could see from the examples, that masculine ending is -yi: solodkyi tort, kyslyi lymon, solonyi ohirok, teplyi chai, hirkyi shokolad. So, let’s say these phrases together focusing on masculine form of these adjectives: solodkyi tort________, kyslyi lymon ____, solonyi ohirok______, teplyi chai ________, hirkyi shokolad _______.

Feminine forms of adjectives can be found in these examples: solodka tsukerka, hostra kovbasa, hariacha kava, kholodna voda. As you can see, the feminine adjectives’ ending is -a. Let’s say together the following phrases focusing on feminine adjectives: solodka tsukerka______, hostra kovbasa________, hariacha kava_______, kholodna voda_____.

And here are neuter gender examples: kysle yabluko, smachne pechyvo, kholodne moloko. I hope you have spotted the ending of neuter gender adjectives – -e. Let’s repeat these phrases together: kysle yabluko _____, smachne pechyvo______, kholodne moloko__________.

Well done if you managed to find the difference between gender endings of adjectives on your own!

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Activity 5

Timing: 10 minutes

Now select the correct form of the Ukrainian word for ‘tasty’ to go with each noun. Is it cмачний, cмачнa or cмачнe?

Using the following two lists, match each numbered item with the correct letter.

  1. цукерка tsukerka

  2. торт tort

  3. яблуко yabluko

  • a.cмачнe smachne

  • b.cмачний smachnyi

  • c.cмачнa smachna

The correct answers are:
  • 1 = c
  • 2 = b
  • 3 = a


Masculine: cмачний торт smachnyi tort

Feminine: cмачнa цукерка smachna tsukerka


cмачнe яблуко smachne yabluko

To finish this section, here is a summary of adjective endings, using cмачний smachnyi as an example.

Table 7: Adjective endings
Masculine Feminine Neuter
cмачний торт smachnyi tort cмачнa цукерка smachnatsukerka cмачнe печиво smachne pechyvo