7.2 Reading practice: read first, then listen
To begin, practise reading first names.
Андрій, Борис, Володимир, Галина, Денис, Дмитро, Данило, Євген, Євгенія, Зоя, Захар, Катерина, Леся, Марта, Наталя, Олег, Ольга, Олександр.
Transcript: Audio 59
Now practise reading full names and short names. Read each name with the recording paused and then check your pronunciation by listening to the recording. Remember to read before listening. In this part, you’ll find full and short names.
Євген, Євгенія – Женя, Борис – Боря, Надія – Надя, Любов – Люба, Валентина – Валя, Галина – Галя.
Transcript: Audio 60
Now read each name of countries and cities, with the recording paused, and then check your pronunciation by listening to the recording. Remember to read before you listen.
Україна, Англія, Львів, Луганськ, Житомир, Ужгород, Суми, Одеса, Миколаїв, Херсон.
Transcript: Audio 61
Now have a go at reading food and drink names, with the recording paused and then check your pronunciation by listening to the recording. Don’t forget to read before you listen.
Fruits: яблуко, слива, абрикос, лимон, виноград, малина
Transcript: Audio 62
Vegetables: морква, огірок, квасоля, кукурудза
Transcript: Audio 63
Other food and drinks:
молоко, масло, сир, йогурт, ковбаса, риба, макарони, рис, олія, сіль, хліб, вода, кава, сік.
Transcript: Audio 64
You can hear the correct version on the recordings and see the transliteration in the transcripts.