1.3 Compare your pronunciation
Don’t forget: in these activities, you can re-record over previous recordings until you are satisfied with your pronunciation.
Activity 1: Audio recorder
First listen to the example. Danylo says his favourite subject is geography.
Following the model in the example, say:
1. My favourite subject is literature. Record yourself and check your pronunciation by comparing it with the model answer.
2. My favourite subject is mathematics. Record yourself and check your pronunciation by comparing it with the model answer.
3. My favourite subject is physical education. Record yourself and check your pronunciation by comparing it with the model answer.
4. My favourite subject is history. Record yourself and check your pronunciation by comparing it with the model answer.
There are model answers on the recording and a written version in the transcript.
Now for a more challenging activity!
Activity 2: Audio recorder
Danylo says
Думаю, що соціологія та економіка – цікаві предмети.Dumaiu, shcho sotsiolohiia ta ekonomika – tsikavi predmety. This means ‘I think sociology and economics are interesting subjects.’
1. ‘I think history and geography are interesting subjects.’ Record yourself and check your pronunciation by listening to the model answer.
2. ‘I think chemistry and physics are interesting subjects.’ Record yourself and check your pronunciation by listening to the model answer.
There are model answers on the recording and a written version in the transcript.