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Introduction to Ukrainian language and culture
Introduction to Ukrainian language and culture

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2.2 A visit to the doctor

Let’s listen to the dialogue between a patient (пацієнтка patsiientka) and a doctor (лікарка likarka). You can read the transcript below.

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Audio 14
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Audio 14 transcript
Ukrainian Transliteration
Пацієнтка Добрий день! Patsiientka Dobryi den!
Лікарка Добрий день! Що у вас болить? Likarka Dobryi den! Shcho u vas bolyt?
Пацієнтка У мене болить горло, голова і висока температура. Patsiientka U mene bolyt horlo, holova i vysoka temperatura.
Лікарка У вас тонзиліт. Треба пити антибіотики. У вас є алергія на ліки? Likarka U vas tonzylit. Treba pyty antybiotyky. U vas ye alerhiia na liky?
Пацієнтка Ні. Patsiientka Ni.
Лікарка Добре. Ось рецепт. Likarka Dobre. Os retsept.
Пацієнтка Як довго треба пити антибіотики? Patsiientka Yak dovho treba pyty antybiotyky?
Лікарка Пʼять днів, весь курс. Likarka Piat dniv, ves kurs.
Пацієнтка Дякую, до побачення! Patsiientka Diakuiu, do pobachennia!
Лікарка Одужуйте! Будьте здорові! Likarka Oduzhuite! Budte zdorovi!
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Audio 15
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Let’s take a closer look (Audio 15 transcript)

Let’s take a closer look at the dialogue between a patient and a doctor. It starts with usual greeting Dobryi den (‘Good day!’), after which doctor asks Shcho u vas bolyt? which literally means ‘What pain do you have?’) This is a plural form. Let’s repeat it together: Shcho u vas bolyt?_______ Shcho u vas bolyt?___________. Singular form is Shcho v tebe bolyt? Let’s repeat together: Shcho v tebe bolyt?___________ Shcho v tebe bolyt?____________.

The patient answers: U mene bolyt horlo, holova i vysoka temperatura, which means ‘My throat hurts, I have a headache and a high temperature’. Let’s look attentively at this sentence. If you want to say in Ukrainian that you feel pain, you should say u mene bolyt (‘I have pain’) and name body part. Let’s say together: u mene bolyt horlo _________ (‘My throat hurts’), u mene bolyt horlo ___________. Another example: u mene bolyt holova ______ (‘I have a headache’), u mene bolyt holova _______. Please note that prepositions u and v are interchangeable in Ukrainian, they mean the same. One can say: u mene bolyt holova and v mene bolyt holova.

Let’s continue with the dialogue. Since word temperatura (‘temperature’) is a feminine noun, adjective vysokyi (‘high’) is used in feminine form: vysoka temperatura ___________, vysoka temperatura __________.

Doctor replies: U vas tonzylit. Treba pyty antybiotyky. (‘You have tonsillitis. You need to use antibiotics’ and asks: U vas ye alerhiia na liky? (literally ‘Do you have an allergy to any medicines?’). Let’s repeat together: liky _____ liky ____. The patient answers: Ni (‘No’). Doctor says: Dobre. Os retsept na liky (‘Good. Here is a prescription for medication’). The patient asks: Yak dovho treba pyty antybiotyky? (‘How long should I take antibiotics?’). Verb pyty means ‘to drink’. Since drugs are often pills which are taken with water, they often say in Ukrainian pyty liky (‘to drink drugs’).

Doctor answers: Piat dniv, ves kurs (‘Five days, whole course’). Then patient thanks the doctor and says goodbye: Diakuiu, do pobachennia! The doctor replies: Oduzhuite! Budte zdorovi! which means “Get well! Be healthy!’ The last phrase is sometimes used in Ukraine in the meaning of ‘goodbye’. Let’s say these phrases together: oduzhuite! ________(‘get well!’), oduzhuite! ________; budte zdorovi! _________ (‘be healthy!’), budte zdorovi! __________ .

Now listen to the dialogue once again.

Now let’s learn the new language in the recording.

Read the table and listen to Audio 14 again.

Table 3: Language summary: a GP appointment
Ukrainian Transliteration English translation
Що у вас болить? (pl.)

Що у тебе болить? (sing.)

Shcho u vas bolyt? (pl.)

Shcho u tebe bolyt? (sing.)

What pain do you have?
У мене болить горло U mene bolyt horlo My throat aches.
У мене болить голова U mene bolyt holova I have a headache.
висока температура vysoka temperatura high temperature
тонзиліт tonzylit tonsillitis
антибіотики antybiotyky antibiotics
алергія на ліки alerhiia na liky allergy to drugs
ліки liky drugs
рецепт retsept prescription
Як довго…? Yak dovho…? How long…?
весь курс ves kurs whole course
Одужуйте! Oduzhuite! Get well!
Будьте здорові! Budte zdorovi! literally – be healthy! (is used sometimes to say ‘goodbye’)