2.2 A visit to the doctor
Let’s listen to the dialogue between a patient (пацієнтка patsiientka) and a doctor (лікарка likarka). You can read the transcript below.
Transcript: Audio 14
Ukrainian | Transliteration |
Пацієнтка Добрий день! | Patsiientka Dobryi den! |
Лікарка Добрий день! Що у вас болить? | Likarka Dobryi den! Shcho u vas bolyt? |
Пацієнтка У мене болить горло, голова і висока температура. | Patsiientka U mene bolyt horlo, holova i vysoka temperatura. |
Лікарка У вас тонзиліт. Треба пити антибіотики. У вас є алергія на ліки? | Likarka U vas tonzylit. Treba pyty antybiotyky. U vas ye alerhiia na liky? |
Пацієнтка Ні. | Patsiientka Ni. |
Лікарка Добре. Ось рецепт. | Likarka Dobre. Os retsept. |
Пацієнтка Як довго треба пити антибіотики? | Patsiientka Yak dovho treba pyty antybiotyky? |
Лікарка Пʼять днів, весь курс. | Likarka Piat dniv, ves kurs. |
Пацієнтка Дякую, до побачення! | Patsiientka Diakuiu, do pobachennia! |
Лікарка Одужуйте! Будьте здорові! | Likarka Oduzhuite! Budte zdorovi! |
Transcript: Audio 15
Let’s take a closer look at the dialogue between a patient and a doctor. It starts with usual greeting Dobryi den (‘Good day!’), after which doctor asks Shcho u vas bolyt? which literally means ‘What pain do you have?’) This is a plural form. Let’s repeat it together: Shcho u vas bolyt?_______ Shcho u vas bolyt?___________. Singular form is Shcho v tebe bolyt? Let’s repeat together: Shcho v tebe bolyt?___________ Shcho v tebe bolyt?____________.
The patient answers: U mene bolyt horlo, holova i vysoka temperatura, which means ‘My throat hurts, I have a headache and a high temperature’. Let’s look attentively at this sentence. If you want to say in Ukrainian that you feel pain, you should say u mene bolyt (‘I have pain’) and name body part. Let’s say together: u mene bolyt horlo _________ (‘My throat hurts’), u mene bolyt horlo ___________. Another example: u mene bolyt holova ______ (‘I have a headache’), u mene bolyt holova _______. Please note that prepositions u and v are interchangeable in Ukrainian, they mean the same. One can say: u mene bolyt holova and v mene bolyt holova.
Let’s continue with the dialogue. Since word temperatura (‘temperature’) is a feminine noun, adjective vysokyi (‘high’) is used in feminine form: vysoka temperatura ___________, vysoka temperatura __________.
Doctor replies: U vas tonzylit. Treba pyty antybiotyky. (‘You have tonsillitis. You need to use antibiotics’ and asks: U vas ye alerhiia na liky? (literally ‘Do you have an allergy to any medicines?’). Let’s repeat together: liky _____ liky ____. The patient answers: Ni (‘No’). Doctor says: Dobre. Os retsept na liky (‘Good. Here is a prescription for medication’). The patient asks: Yak dovho treba pyty antybiotyky? (‘How long should I take antibiotics?’). Verb pyty means ‘to drink’. Since drugs are often pills which are taken with water, they often say in Ukrainian pyty liky (‘to drink drugs’).
Doctor answers: Piat dniv, ves kurs (‘Five days, whole course’). Then patient thanks the doctor and says goodbye: Diakuiu, do pobachennia! The doctor replies: Oduzhuite! Budte zdorovi! which means ‘Get well! Be healthy!’ The last phrase is sometimes used in Ukraine in the meaning of ‘goodbye’. Let’s say these phrases together: oduzhuite! ________(‘get well!’), oduzhuite! ________; budte zdorovi! _________ (‘be healthy!’), budte zdorovi! __________ .
Now listen to the dialogue once again.
Let’s take a closer look (Audio 15 transcript)
Let’s take a closer look at the dialogue between a patient and a doctor. It starts with usual greeting Dobryi den (‘Good day!’), after which doctor asks Shcho u vas bolyt? which literally means ‘What pain do you have?’) This is a plural form. Let’s repeat it together: Shcho u vas bolyt?_______ Shcho u vas bolyt?___________. Singular form is Shcho v tebe bolyt? Let’s repeat together: Shcho v tebe bolyt?___________ Shcho v tebe bolyt?____________.
The patient answers: U mene bolyt horlo, holova i vysoka temperatura, which means ‘My throat hurts, I have a headache and a high temperature’. Let’s look attentively at this sentence. If you want to say in Ukrainian that you feel pain, you should say u mene bolyt (‘I have pain’) and name body part. Let’s say together: u mene bolyt horlo _________ (‘My throat hurts’), u mene bolyt horlo ___________. Another example: u mene bolyt holova ______ (‘I have a headache’), u mene bolyt holova _______. Please note that prepositions u and v are interchangeable in Ukrainian, they mean the same. One can say: u mene bolyt holova and v mene bolyt holova.
Let’s continue with the dialogue. Since word temperatura (‘temperature’) is a feminine noun, adjective vysokyi (‘high’) is used in feminine form: vysoka temperatura ___________, vysoka temperatura __________.
Doctor replies: U vas tonzylit. Treba pyty antybiotyky. (‘You have tonsillitis. You need to use antibiotics’ and asks: U vas ye alerhiia na liky? (literally ‘Do you have an allergy to any medicines?’). Let’s repeat together: liky _____ liky ____. The patient answers: Ni (‘No’). Doctor says: Dobre. Os retsept na liky (‘Good. Here is a prescription for medication’). The patient asks: Yak dovho treba pyty antybiotyky? (‘How long should I take antibiotics?’). Verb pyty means ‘to drink’. Since drugs are often pills which are taken with water, they often say in Ukrainian pyty liky (‘to drink drugs’).
Doctor answers: Piat dniv, ves kurs (‘Five days, whole course’). Then patient thanks the doctor and says goodbye: Diakuiu, do pobachennia! The doctor replies: Oduzhuite! Budte zdorovi! which means “Get well! Be healthy!’ The last phrase is sometimes used in Ukraine in the meaning of ‘goodbye’. Let’s say these phrases together: oduzhuite! ________(‘get well!’), oduzhuite! ________; budte zdorovi! _________ (‘be healthy!’), budte zdorovi! __________ .
Now listen to the dialogue once again.
Now let’s learn the new language in the recording.
Read the table and listen to Audio 14 again.
Ukrainian | Transliteration | English translation |
Що у вас болить? (pl.) Що у тебе болить? (sing.) |
Shcho u vas bolyt? (pl.) Shcho u tebe bolyt? (sing.) |
What pain do you have? |
У мене болить горло | U mene bolyt horlo | My throat aches. |
У мене болить голова | U mene bolyt holova | I have a headache. |
висока температура | vysoka temperatura | high temperature |
тонзиліт | tonzylit | tonsillitis |
антибіотики | antybiotyky | antibiotics |
алергія на ліки | alerhiia na liky | allergy to drugs |
ліки | liky | drugs |
рецепт | retsept | prescription |
Як довго…? | Yak dovho…? | How long…? |
весь курс | ves kurs | whole course |
Одужуйте! | Oduzhuite! | Get well! |
Будьте здорові! | Budte zdorovi! | literally – be healthy! (is used sometimes to say ‘goodbye’) |