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Introduction to Ukrainian language and culture
Introduction to Ukrainian language and culture

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1.4 New language

You have learned a lot of new language in these two sections, but don’t worry, we’ll look at it bit by bit.

The key language about Natalka’s and Mariia’s family is in the table below:

Table 1 Key language
Ukrainian Transliteration English translation
це tse this is
мій mii my (masc. gender)
брат brat brother
наша nasha our (fem. gender)
її yii her
вона vona she
на na on
фото foto photo
наш nash our (masc. gender)
тато tato Dad
він vin he
зараз zaraz now
в v in
Україна Ukraina Ukraine
ми my we
я ya I
Англія Anhliia England