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Introduction to complex analysis
Introduction to complex analysis

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1.2 Integration on the real line

We wish to define the Riemann integral of a continuous real function f in such a way that if f is positive on some interval left square bracket a comma b right square bracket , then the integral of  f from a to  b is the area under the graph of  y equals f of x between a and  b . This is illustrated by the shaded part of Figure 8. To do this, we first split the interval left square bracket a comma b right square bracket into a collection of subintervals called a partition.

Described image
Figure 8 Area under the graph of y equals f of x between a and  b


A partition cap p of the interval left square bracket a comma b right square bracket is a finite collection of subintervals of left square bracket a comma b right square bracket ,

cap p equals left square bracket x sub zero comma x sub one right square bracket comma left square bracket x sub one comma x sub two right square bracket comma ellipsis comma left square bracket x sub n minus one comma x sub n right square bracket comma

for which

multirelation a equals x sub zero less than or equals x sub one less than or equals x sub two less than or equals ellipsis less than or equals x sub n equals b full stop

The length of the subinterval left square bracket x sub k minus one comma x sub k right square bracket is delta times x sub k equals x sub k minus x sub k minus one .

We use absolute value of cap p to denote the maximum length of all the subintervals, so

absolute value of cap p equals max of delta times x sub one comma delta times x sub two comma ellipsis comma delta times x sub n full stop

Given a partition cap p equals left square bracket x sub zero comma x sub one right square bracket comma left square bracket x sub one comma x sub two right square bracket comma ellipsis comma left square bracket x sub n minus one comma x sub n right square bracket of left square bracket a comma b right square bracket , we can approximate the area under the graph of y equals f of x between a and b by constructing a sequence of rectangles, as shown in Figure 9.

Described image
Figure 9 Approximating the area under a graph using a sequence of rectangles

Here the k th rectangle has base left square bracket x sub k minus one comma x sub k right square bracket and height f of x sub k (so the top-right corner of the rectangle touches the curve). The area of the rectangle is f of x sub k times left parenthesis x sub k minus x sub k minus one right parenthesis (see Figure 10). Note that we could equally have chosen the rectangle to be of height f of c sub k for any point c sub k in left square bracket x sub k minus one comma x sub k right square bracket , and the theory would still work. This is because, for a continuous function f , the difference between one set of choices of values for c sub k , k equals one comma two comma ellipsis comma n , and another disappears when we take limits of partitions. We have chosen f of x sub k merely for convenience.

Described image
Figure 10 Rectangle of height f of x sub k and width  delta times x sub k

Summing the areas of all the rectangles gives an approximation to the area under the graph. This sum is called the Riemann sum for f , with respect to this particular partition. (You may have seen upper Riemann sum and lower Riemann sum defined slightly differently elsewhere.)


The Riemann sum for f with respect to the partition

cap p equals left square bracket x sub zero comma x sub one right square bracket comma left square bracket x sub one comma x sub two right square bracket comma ellipsis comma left square bracket x sub n minus one comma x sub n right square bracket

is the sum

equation sequence part 1 cap r of f comma cap p equals part 2 n ary summation from k equals one to n over f of x sub k times delta times x sub k equals part 3 n ary summation from k equals one to n over f of x sub k times left parenthesis x sub k minus x sub k minus one right parenthesis full stop

We now calculate the Riemann sum for a particular choice of function and partition, and then ask you to do the same for a second function.

Example 1

Let f of x equals x squared , where x element of left square bracket zero comma one right square bracket . Show that for

cap p sub n equals left square bracket zero comma one solidus n right square bracket comma left square bracket one solidus n comma two solidus n right square bracket comma ellipsis comma left square bracket left parenthesis n minus one right parenthesis solidus n comma one right square bracket comma

we have

cap r of f comma cap p sub n equals one divided by six times left parenthesis one plus one solidus n right parenthesis times left parenthesis two plus one solidus n right parenthesis comma

and determine lim over n right arrow normal infinity of cap r of f comma cap p sub n .


Each of the n subintervals of cap p sub n has length one solidus n . Therefore

multiline equation row 1 cap r of f comma cap p sub n equals n ary summation from k equals one to n over f of k divided by n multiplication one divided by n row 2 Blank equals n ary summation from k equals one to n over left parenthesis k divided by n right parenthesis squared multiplication one divided by n row 3 Blank equals one divided by n cubed times n ary summation from k equals one to n over k squared full stop

Using the identity

equation sequence part 1 n ary summation from k equals one to n over k squared equals part 2 sum with variable number of summands one squared plus two squared plus ellipsis plus n squared equals part 3 one divided by six times n times left parenthesis n plus one right parenthesis times left parenthesis two times n plus one right parenthesis comma

we obtain

equation sequence part 1 cap r of f comma cap p sub n equals part 2 one divided by n cubed multiplication one divided by six times n times left parenthesis n plus one right parenthesis times left parenthesis two times n plus one right parenthesis equals part 3 one divided by six times left parenthesis one plus one solidus n right parenthesis times left parenthesis two plus one solidus n right parenthesis comma

as required.

Finally, since left parenthesis one solidus n right parenthesis is a basic null sequence, we see that

equation sequence part 1 lim over n right arrow normal infinity of cap r of f comma cap p sub n equals part 2 one divided by six times left parenthesis one plus zero right parenthesis times left parenthesis two plus zero right parenthesis equals part 3 one divided by three full stop

Now try the following exercise, making use of the identity

sum with variable number of summands one cubed plus two cubed plus ellipsis plus n cubed equals one divided by four times n squared times left parenthesis n plus one right parenthesis squared full stop

Exercise 1

Let f of x equals x cubed , where x element of left square bracket zero comma one right square bracket . Show that for

cap p sub n equals left square bracket zero comma one solidus n right square bracket comma left square bracket one solidus n comma two solidus n right square bracket comma ellipsis comma left square bracket left parenthesis n minus one right parenthesis solidus n comma one right square bracket comma

we have

cap r of f comma cap p sub n equals one divided by four times left parenthesis one plus one solidus n right parenthesis squared comma

and determine lim over n right arrow normal infinity of cap r of f comma cap p sub n .


Each of the n subintervals of cap p sub n has length one solidus n . Therefore

multiline equation row 1 cap r of f comma cap p sub n equals n ary summation from k equals one to n over f of k divided by n multiplication one divided by n row 2 Blank equals n ary summation from k equals one to n over left parenthesis k divided by n right parenthesis cubed multiplication one divided by n row 3 Blank equals one divided by n super four times n ary summation from k equals one to n over k cubed row 4 Blank equals one divided by n super four multiplication one divided by four times n squared times left parenthesis n plus one right parenthesis squared row 5 Blank equals one divided by four times left parenthesis one plus one solidus n right parenthesis squared comma

as required.

Since left parenthesis one solidus n right parenthesis is a basic null sequence, we see that

equation sequence part 1 lim over n right arrow normal infinity of cap r of f comma cap p sub n equals part 2 one divided by four times left parenthesis one plus zero right parenthesis squared equals part 3 one divided by four full stop

The Riemann sums cap r of f comma cap p sub n of Example 1 approximate the area under the graph of  y equals x squared between zero and one . The approximation improves as n increases, and we expect the limiting value one divided by three to actually be the area under the graph. However, to be sure that this limit gives us a sensible value, we should check that cap r of f comma cap p sub n right arrow one divided by three for any sequence left parenthesis cap p sub n right parenthesis of partitions of left square bracket zero comma one right square bracket such that absolute value of cap p sub n right arrow zero . The following important theorem, for which we omit the proof, provides this check.

Theorem 1

Let f colon left square bracket a comma b right square bracket long right arrow double-struck cap r be a continuous function. Then there is a real number cap a such that

lim over n right arrow normal infinity of cap r of f comma cap p sub n equals cap a comma

for any sequence left parenthesis cap p sub n right parenthesis of partitions of left square bracket a comma b right square bracket such that absolute value of cap p sub n right arrow zero .

We can now define the Riemann integral of a continuous function.


Let f colon left square bracket a comma b right square bracket long right arrow double-struck cap r be a continuous function, where a less than b . The value  cap a determined by Theorem 1 is called the Riemann integral of f over  left square bracket a comma b right square bracket , and it is denoted by

integral over a under b f of x d x full stop

The theorem tells us that to calculate the Riemann integral of f over left square bracket a comma b right square bracket , we can make any choice of partitions left parenthesis cap p sub n right parenthesis for which absolute value of cap p sub n right arrow zero and calculate lim over n right arrow normal infinity of cap r of f comma cap p sub n . Thus the calculation of Example 1 really does demonstrate that

integral over zero under one x squared d x equals one divided by three full stop

We define the Riemann integral integral over a under b f of x d x when a greater than or equals b , as follows.


Let f be a continuous real function.

If a greater than b , and left square bracket b comma a right square bracket is contained in the domain of f , then we define

integral over a under b f of x d x equals negative integral over b under a f of x d x full stop

Also, for values of a in the domain of f , we define

integral over a under a f of x d x equals zero full stop

As we have discussed, for a continuous real function f that takes only positive values on left square bracket a comma b right square bracket , where a less than b , the Riemann integral

integral over a under b f of x d x

measures the area under the graph of y equals f of x between a and b . If we no longer require f to be positive, then the integral still has a geometric meaning: it measures the signed area of the set between the curve y equals f of x , the x -axis and the vertical lines x equals a and x equals b , where we count parts of the set above the x -axis as having positive area, and parts of the set below the x -axis as having negative area, as illustrated in Figure 11.

Described image
Figure 11 Signed area determined by the graph of y equals f of x between a and  b