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Introduction to complex analysis
Introduction to complex analysis

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2.4 Further exercises

Here are some further exercises to end this section.

Exercise 8

Evaluate the following integrals (using the standard parametrisation of the path normal cap gamma in each case).

  • a. 

    • i. integral over normal cap gamma z d z ,

    • ii. integral over normal cap gamma Im of z times d times z ,

    • iii. integral over normal cap gamma z macron d z ,

    where normal cap gamma is the line segment from 1 to i .

  • b. 

    • i. integral over normal cap gamma z macron d z ,

    • ii. integral over normal cap gamma z squared d z ,

    where normal cap gamma is the unit circle z colon absolute value of z equals one .

  • c. 

    • i. integral over normal cap gamma one divided by z d z ,

    • ii. integral over normal cap gamma absolute value of z d z ,

    where normal cap gamma is the upper half of the circle with centre 0 and radius 2 traversed from 2 to  negative two .


  • a.The standard parametrisation of normal cap gamma , the line segment from 1 to i , is

    gamma of t equals one minus t plus i times t times left parenthesis t element of left square bracket zero comma one right square bracket right parenthesis semicolon


    gamma times super prime times left parenthesis t right parenthesis equals i minus one full stop
    • i.Here f of z equals z , and

      multiline equation row 1 integral over normal cap gamma z d z equals integral over zero under one left parenthesis one minus t plus i times t right parenthesis multiplication left parenthesis i minus one right parenthesis d t row 2 Blank equals integral over zero under one left parenthesis negative one plus left parenthesis one minus two times t right parenthesis times i right parenthesis d t row 3 Blank equals integral over zero under one left parenthesis negative one right parenthesis d t plus i times integral over zero under one left parenthesis one minus two times t right parenthesis d t row 4 Blank equals left square bracket negative t right square bracket sub zero super one plus i times left square bracket t minus t squared right square bracket sub zero super one row 5 Blank equals negative one full stop
    • ii.Here f of z equals Im of z , and

      multiline equation row 1 integral over normal cap gamma Im of z times d times z equals integral over zero under one left parenthesis Im of one minus t plus i times t right parenthesis multiplication left parenthesis i minus one right parenthesis d t row 2 Blank equals integral over zero under one t times left parenthesis i minus one right parenthesis d t row 3 Blank equals left parenthesis i minus one right parenthesis times integral over zero under one t d t row 4 Blank equals left parenthesis i minus one right parenthesis times left square bracket one divided by two times t squared right square bracket sub zero super one row 5 Blank equals one divided by two times left parenthesis negative one plus i right parenthesis full stop

      (Note that this integral is different from Im of integral over normal cap gamma z d z , which from part (a)(i) is 0.)

    • iii.Here f of z equals z macron , and

      multiline equation row 1 integral over normal cap gamma z macron d z equals integral over zero under one left parenthesis right parenthesis plus plus minus minus one t times times it macron multiplication left parenthesis i minus one right parenthesis d t row 2 Blank equals integral over zero under one left parenthesis one minus t minus i times t right parenthesis multiplication left parenthesis i minus one right parenthesis d t row 3 Blank equals integral over zero under one left parenthesis sum with 3 summands negative one plus two times t plus i right parenthesis d t row 4 Blank equals integral over zero under one left parenthesis negative one plus two times t right parenthesis d t plus i times integral over zero under one one d t row 5 Blank equals left square bracket negative t plus t squared right square bracket sub zero super one plus i times left square bracket t right square bracket sub zero super one row 6 Blank equals i full stop

      (Again, note that this is different from integral integral cap gamma z separator d separator z macron .)

  • b.We set out this solution in a similar style to Example 4.

    The standard parametrisation of normal cap gamma , the unit circle z colon absolute value of z equals one , is

    gamma of t equals e super i times t times left parenthesis t element of left square bracket zero comma two times pi right square bracket right parenthesis semicolon


    z equals e super i times t comma d times z equals i times e super i times t times d times t full stop
    • i.Here equation sequence part 1 f of z equals part 2 z macron equals part 3 e super negative i times t , and

      multiline equation row 1 integral over normal cap gamma z macron d z equals integral over zero under two times pi e super negative i times t multiplication i times e super i times t d t row 2 Blank equals i times integral over zero under two times pi one d t row 3 Blank equals i times left square bracket t right square bracket sub zero super two times pi row 4 Blank equals two times pi times i full stop
    • ii.Here equation sequence part 1 f of z equals part 2 z squared equals part 3 e super two times i times t , and

      multiline equation row 1 integral over normal cap gamma z squared d z equals integral over zero under two times pi e super two times i times t multiplication i times e super i times t d t row 2 Blank equals integral over zero under two times pi i times e super three times i times t d t row 3 Blank equals integral over zero under two times pi i times left parenthesis cosine of three times t plus i times sine of three times t right parenthesis d t row 4 Blank equals integral over zero under two times pi left parenthesis negative sine of three times t right parenthesis d t plus i times integral over zero under two times pi cosine of three times t times d times t row 5 Blank equals left square bracket one divided by three times cosine of three times t right square bracket sub zero super two times pi plus i times left square bracket one divided by three times sine of three times t right square bracket sub zero super two times pi row 6 Blank equals zero full stop
  • c.The standard parametrisation of normal cap gamma , the upper half of the circle with centre 0 and radius 2, traversed from 2 to negative two , is

    gamma of t equals two times e super i times t times left parenthesis t element of left square bracket zero comma pi right square bracket right parenthesis semicolon


    gamma times super prime times left parenthesis t right parenthesis equals two times i times e super i times t full stop
    • i.Here f of z equals one solidus z , and

      multiline equation row 1 integral over normal cap gamma one divided by z d z equals integral over zero under pi one divided by two times e super i times t multiplication two times i times e super i times t d t row 2 Blank equals i times integral over zero under pi one d t row 3 Blank equals i times left square bracket t right square bracket sub zero super pi row 4 Blank equals pi times i full stop
    • ii.Here f of z equals absolute value of z , and

      multiline equation row 1 integral over normal cap gamma absolute value of z d z equals integral over zero under pi absolute value of two times e super i times t multiplication two times i times e super i times t d t row 2 Blank equals integral over zero under pi four times i times left parenthesis cosine of t plus i times sine of t right parenthesis d t row 3 Blank equals integral over zero under pi left parenthesis negative four times sine of t right parenthesis d t plus i times integral over zero under pi four times cosine of t times d times t row 4 Blank equals left square bracket four times cosine of t right square bracket sub zero super pi plus i times left square bracket four times sine of t right square bracket sub zero super pi row 5 Blank equals negative eight full stop

Exercise 9


integral over normal cap gamma Re of z times d times z

for each of the following contours  normal cap gamma from 0 to one plus i .

Described image


  • a. normal cap gamma equals normal cap gamma sub one plus normal cap gamma sub two , where normal cap gamma sub one is the line segment from 0 to i and normal cap gamma sub two is the line segment from i to one plus i .

    We choose to use the standard parametrisations

    multiline equation row 1 Blank gamma sub one of t equals i times t times left parenthesis t element of left square bracket zero comma one right square bracket right parenthesis comma row 2 Blank gamma sub two of t equals t plus i times left parenthesis t element of left square bracket zero comma one right square bracket right parenthesis full stop

    Then gamma times sub one super prime times left parenthesis t right parenthesis equals i , gamma times sub two super prime times left parenthesis t right parenthesis equals one . Hence

    multiline equation row 1 integral over normal cap gamma Re of z times d times z equals integral over normal cap gamma sub one Re of z times d times z plus integral over normal cap gamma sub two Re of z times d times z Blank row 2 Blank equals integral over zero under one Re of i times t multiplication i d t plus integral over zero under one Re of t plus i multiplication one d t Blank row 3 Blank equals integral over zero under one zero d t plus integral over zero under one t d t Blank row 4 Blank equation sequence part 1 equals part 2 left square bracket one divided by two times t squared right square bracket sub zero super one equals part 3 one divided by two full stop Blank
  • b. normal cap gamma equals normal cap gamma sub one plus normal cap gamma sub two , where normal cap gamma sub one is the line segment from 0 to 1 and normal cap gamma sub two is the line segment from 1 to  one plus i .

    We choose to use the standard parametrisations

    multiline equation row 1 Blank gamma sub one of t equals t times left parenthesis t element of left square bracket zero comma one right square bracket right parenthesis comma row 2 Blank gamma sub two of t equals one plus i times t times left parenthesis t element of left square bracket zero comma one right square bracket right parenthesis full stop

    Then gamma times sub one super prime times left parenthesis t right parenthesis equals one , gamma times sub two super prime times left parenthesis t right parenthesis equals i . Hence

    multiline equation row 1 integral over normal cap gamma Re of z times d times z equals integral over normal cap gamma sub one Re of z times d times z plus integral over normal cap gamma sub two Re of z times d times z Blank row 2 Blank equals integral over zero under one Re of t multiplication one d t plus integral over zero under one Re of one plus i times t multiplication i d t Blank row 3 Blank equals integral over zero under one t d t plus i times integral over zero under one one d t Blank row 4 Blank equation sequence part 1 equals part 2 left square bracket one divided by two times t squared right square bracket sub zero super one plus i times left square bracket t right square bracket sub zero super one equals part 3 one divided by two plus i full stop Blank

    (Note that the integrals in parts (a) and (b) have different values.)