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Introduction to complex analysis
Introduction to complex analysis

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3.2 Further exercises

Here are some further exercises to end this section.

Exercise 14

For each of the following functions f , evaluate

integral over normal cap gamma f of z d z comma

where normal cap gamma is any contour from negative i to i .

  • a. f of z equals one

  • b. f of z equals z

  • c. f of z equals five times z super four plus three times i times z squared

  • d. f of z equals left parenthesis one plus two times i times z right parenthesis super nine

  • e. f of z equals e super negative i times z

  • f. f of z equals sine of z

  • g. f of z equals z times e super z squared

  • h. f of z equals z cubed times hyperbolic cosine of z super four

  • i. f of z equals z times e super z


In each case, f is continuous on double-struck cap c and has a primitive on double-struck cap c , so we can apply the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus to evaluate the integral using any contour normal cap gamma from negative i to i .

  • a. equation sequence part 1 integral over normal cap gamma one d z equals part 2 left square bracket z right square bracket sub negative i super i equals part 3 i minus left parenthesis negative i right parenthesis equals part 4 two times i

  • b. equation sequence part 1 integral over normal cap gamma z d z equals part 2 left square bracket one divided by two times z squared right square bracket sub negative i super i equals part 3 one divided by two times i squared minus one divided by two times left parenthesis negative i right parenthesis squared equals part 4 zero

  • c. multiline equation row 1 integral over normal cap gamma left parenthesis five times z super four plus three times i times z squared right parenthesis d z equals left square bracket z super five plus i times z cubed right square bracket sub negative i super i row 2 Blank equals left parenthesis i plus one right parenthesis minus left parenthesis negative i minus one right parenthesis row 3 Blank equals two plus two times i

  • d. multiline equation row 1 integral over normal cap gamma left parenthesis one plus two times i times z right parenthesis super nine d z equals left square bracket left parenthesis one plus two times i times z right parenthesis super 10 solidus left parenthesis 10 multiplication two times i right parenthesis right square bracket sub negative i super i row 2 Blank equals left parenthesis left parenthesis negative one right parenthesis super 10 minus three super 10 right parenthesis solidus left parenthesis 20 times i right parenthesis row 3 Blank equals three super 10 minus one divided by 20 times i

  • e. multiline equation row 1 integral over normal cap gamma e super negative i times z d z equals left square bracket e super negative i times z solidus left parenthesis negative i right parenthesis right square bracket sub negative i super i row 2 Blank equation sequence part 1 equals part 2 left parenthesis e minus e super negative one right parenthesis solidus left parenthesis negative i right parenthesis equals part 3 two times i times hyperbolic sine of one

  • f. multiline equation row 1 integral over normal cap gamma sine of z times d times z equals left square bracket negative cosine of z right square bracket sub negative i super i row 2 Blank equation sequence part 1 equals part 2 negative cosine of i plus cosine of negative i equals part 3 zero

  • g.A primitive of f of z equals z times e super z squared is

    cap f of z equals one divided by two times e super z squared full stop


    multiline equation row 1 integral over normal cap gamma z times e super z squared d z equals left square bracket one divided by two times e super z squared right square bracket sub negative i super i row 2 Blank equation sequence part 1 equals part 2 one divided by two times left parenthesis e super negative one minus e super negative one right parenthesis equals part 3 zero full stop
  • h.A primitive of f of z equals z cubed times hyperbolic cosine of z super four is

    cap f of z equals one divided by four times hyperbolic sine of z super four full stop


    multiline equation row 1 integral over normal cap gamma z cubed times hyperbolic cosine of z super four d z equals left square bracket one divided by four times hyperbolic sine of z super four right square bracket sub negative i super i row 2 Blank equation sequence part 1 equals part 2 one divided by four times left parenthesis hyperbolic sine of one minus hyperbolic sine of one right parenthesis equals part 3 zero full stop
  • i.Let g of z equals z , h of z equals e super z . Then g and h are entire (that is, g and h are differentiable on the whole of double-struck cap c ), and g super prime and h super prime are entire and hence continuous. Then, using Integration by Parts (Theorem 9), we have

    multiline equation row 1 integral over normal cap gamma z times e super z d z equals left square bracket z times e super z right square bracket sub negative i super i minus integral over normal cap gamma one multiplication e super z d z row 2 Blank equals left parenthesis i times e super i minus left parenthesis negative i right parenthesis times e super negative i right parenthesis minus integral over normal cap gamma e super z d z row 3 Blank equals i times left parenthesis e super i plus e super negative i right parenthesis minus left square bracket e super z right square bracket sub negative i super i row 4 Blank equals two times i times cosine of one minus left parenthesis e super i minus e super negative i right parenthesis row 5 Blank equals two times i times cosine of one minus two times i times sine of one row 6 Blank equals two times left parenthesis cosine of one minus sine of one right parenthesis times i full stop

Exercise 15

Evaluate the following integrals. (In each case pay special attention to the hypotheses of the theorems you use.)

  • a. integral over normal cap gamma one divided by z d z ,

    where normal cap gamma is the arc of the circle z colon absolute value of z equals one from negative i to i passing through 1.

  • b. integral over normal cap gamma Square root of z d z , where normal cap gamma is as in part (a).

  • c. integral over normal cap gamma sine squared of z times d times z , where normal cap gamma is the unit circle z colon absolute value of z equals one .

  • d. integral over normal cap gamma one divided by z cubed d z , where normal cap gamma is the circle z colon absolute value of z equals 27 .

(Hint: For part (c), use the identity sine squared of z equals one divided by two times left parenthesis one minus cosine of two times z right parenthesis .)


  • a.Let f of z equals one solidus z , cap f of z equals Log of z and script cap r equals double-struck cap c minus x element of double-struck cap r colon x less than or equals zero . Then f is continuous on  script cap r , cap f is a primitive of f on script cap r , and normal cap gamma is a contour in script cap r . Thus, by the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus,

    multiline equation row 1 integral over normal cap gamma one divided by z d z equals left square bracket Log of z right square bracket sub negative i super i row 2 Blank equals Log of i minus Log of negative i row 3 Blank equation sequence part 1 equals part 2 pi divided by two times i minus left parenthesis negative pi divided by two times i right parenthesis equals part 3 pi times i full stop
  • b.Let f of z equals Square root of z , cap f of z equals two divided by three times z super three solidus two and script cap r equals double-struck cap c minus x element of double-struck cap r colon x less than or equals zero . Then f is continuous on  script cap r , cap f is a primitive of f on script cap r , and normal cap gamma is a contour in script cap r . Thus, by the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus,

    multiline equation row 1 integral over normal cap gamma Square root of z d z equals left square bracket two divided by three times z super three solidus two right square bracket sub negative i super i row 2 Blank equals two divided by three times left parenthesis i super three solidus two minus left parenthesis negative i right parenthesis super three solidus two right parenthesis row 3 Blank equals two divided by three times left parenthesis exp of three divided by two times Log of i minus exp of three divided by two times Log of negative i right parenthesis row 4 Blank equals two divided by three times left parenthesis exp of three times pi divided by four times i minus exp of negative three times pi divided by four times i right parenthesis row 5 Blank equals two divided by three times left parenthesis two times i times sine of three times pi divided by four right parenthesis row 6 Blank equals two times Square root of two divided by three times i full stop
  • c.The function

    equation sequence part 1 f of z equals part 2 sine squared of z equals part 3 one divided by two times left parenthesis one minus cosine of two times z right parenthesis

    is continuous and has an entire primitive cap f of z equals one divided by two times left parenthesis z minus one divided by two times sine of two times z right parenthesis . Thus, by the Closed Contour Theorem,

    integral over normal cap gamma sine squared of z times d times z equals zero full stop
  • d.Let f of z equals one solidus z cubed , cap f of z equals negative one solidus left parenthesis two times z squared right parenthesis and script cap r equals double-struck cap c minus zero . Then f is continuous on script cap r , cap f is a primitive of f on script cap r , and normal cap gamma is a contour in  script cap r . Thus, by the Closed Contour Theorem,

    integral over normal cap gamma one divided by z cubed d z equals zero full stop

Exercise 16

Construct a grid path from alpha to beta in the domain of the function tangent , for each of the following cases.

  • a. alpha equals one , beta equals six

  • b. alpha equals pi divided by two plus two times i , beta equals negative three times pi divided by two minus i


The domain of tangent is the region

script cap r equals double-struck cap c minus left parenthesis n plus one divided by two right parenthesis times pi colon n element of double-struck cap z full stop
  • a.The figure shows one grid path in script cap r from 1 to 6 (there are many others).

    Described image
  • b.The figure shows one grid path in script cap r from pi divided by two plus two times i to negative three times pi divided by two minus i (again, there are many others).

    Described image