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Investigating a murder with forensic psychology
Investigating a murder with forensic psychology

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2.2 Interviewer rapport strategies

In the following activity you’ll think further about rapport.

Activity 3


The interviewer needs to go in hard on Mick – show him who is boss. I would recommend shouting back at Mick if he shouts, and giving as good as you get if he swears.


The interviewer needs to be careful not to get drawn into maladaptive behaviour. The predictions of Mick’s behaviour suggest that because he will behave maladaptively, that will tempt the interviewer into also behaving maladaptively. The interviewer needs to stay on the adaptive wheel (even though this might be difficult!).


The interviewer should try to be really friendly with Mick. Maybe crack some jokes about the football or find another way to befriend him. Call him ‘mate’ regularly, laugh loudly at his jokes, fake an interest in his hobbies and so on.

The correct answer is b.