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Investigating a murder with forensic psychology
Investigating a murder with forensic psychology

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There are other free courses from The Open University [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] that might interest you, specifically:

  • Forensic psychology: This course explores psychology applied to the criminal justice system too, but it is more focused on the witness experience, rather than the suspect experience.


If you have enjoyed this course, and wish to study more formally with The Open University then the following qualifications might be of interest. The Open University has both an undergraduate degree and a masters qualification which cover material relevant to forensic psychology.


Since this course was first developed, Emily and Laurence Alison (2020) have written a book called Rapport: The Four Ways to Read People, which talks about their research into rapport in a very accessible way. It is published by Penguin.


You might be interested in listening to an episode of the podcast Bad People, which features one of the authors of this course, Zoë Walkington, talking about the changes to the legal system of England and Wales (including PACE and PEACE) that arose as a result of miscarriages of justice. It features the case of Maxwell Confait, which was central to changes made in the criminal justice system.