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Supporting climate action through digital education
Supporting climate action through digital education

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3.1 Planning for your practice

Before you begin work on your action plan, it’s important to pause and reflect on what you have learned in your study of this course, how it relates to what you already know and what implications your learning might have for your own practice.

Activity 3 Critically reflecting on your learning

Timing: Allow about 30 minutes
  1. Read back through your responses to earlier course activities, and any additional notes that you’ve made while studying the course.
  2. Write a critically reflective commentary, covering:
    • your reaction to some of the course topics
    • the impact of the course on your thinking around the role of education in the climate crisis
    • the impact of the course on your own professional practice or personal approach to the climate crisis
    • any aspect of climate education you would like to learn more about
    • any ideas to address the climate emergency through teaching or learning in your own practice.

You’ll develop one of these ideas in the next activity. Note that critical reflection does not involve ‘criticism’, but rather ‘critique’, meaning analysis. The points you make should draw upon the course materials. For example, you might wish to describe how you’ll try to embed the principles of climate justice into an element of your role as an educator – here you would describe the changes to your practice that you plan to make and point to specific elements of climate justice topic that have inspired you to make these changes.