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Exploring career mentoring and coaching
Exploring career mentoring and coaching

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6 Summary

By now, you should feel more familiar with the basic concepts of mentoring and coaching. You’ve started to explore the terminology and you’ve considered the differences and similarities between the two functions. You have practised reflection by reviewing previous mentoring or coaching experiences and planned when you are going to study each week. This preparation will be helpful as you work through the course.

You should now be able to:

  • recognise definitions of mentoring and coaching
  • describe the differences and similarities between mentoring and coaching
  • review and reflect on any mentoring and/or coaching you have experienced.


Use the box below to note down any actions you will take as a result of what you have learned this week. This will be useful when you come to Week 8, reflecting on what you have learned over the whole of the course and planning your next steps, but you can also use it to check on your progress at any point.

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Next week, before you start to look at mentoring and coaching in more detail, you’ll take some time to consider a key element of both processes – self-awareness.

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