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Exploring career mentoring and coaching
Exploring career mentoring and coaching

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Week 3: Key skills for a mentor or coach


Welcome to Week 3 of the course.

Last week you focused on knowing yourself. You considered the importance of self-awareness, a variety of the tools and techniques that can help you to develop it, and the potential obstacles that can get in the way.

This week, you’ll look at other skills that are vital for an effective mentoring or coaching relationship. Understanding what makes a good mentor or coach should give you an advantage when trying to identify the right mentor or coach for you. Many of the skills discussed this week will also be advantageous for the mentee or coachee to develop.

Now watch the following video to introduce the week.

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By the end of this week, you will be able to:

  • understand what makes a good mentor or coach
  • recognise how rapport and trust can be built
  • describe the listening and questioning skills that a good mentor or coach will demonstrate.

You’ll start this week with a look at what makes a good mentor and what makes a good coach. As you’ll see, there are many similarities but some key differences.