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Exploring career mentoring and coaching
Exploring career mentoring and coaching

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2 Developing my internal self-awareness

A woman with her hand on her chin looking into the distance.
Figure 2 Self-awareness isn't fixed

The first thing to acknowledge is that you can grow and enhance your self-awareness. It isn’t a fixed ability that you are born with and even if it is already a personal strength, you always can develop it further.

The Nir and Far team (2024) describe self-awareness as involving three elements:

  • Introspection: the process of attempting to directly access one’s own internal psychological processes, judgments, perceptions, or states
  • Self-reflection: the examination, contemplation, and analysis of one’s thoughts, feelings, and actions
  • Insight: the clear and often sudden discernment of a solution to a problem, i.e. the result of self-reflection and introspection.

In the following sections you’ll focus on introspection and self-reflection.