3 Diversity mentoring
Mentoring can also enhance diversity and inclusion within an organisation, supporting individuals who are facing barriers themselves and raising awareness of different perspectives.
As Clutterbuck et al. (2012, p. 1) explain:
Diversity mentoring is a developmental process of open dialogue that aims to achieve both individual and organisational change through shared understanding and suspending judgement within a relationship of mutual learning in which differences that exist are perceived as integral in learning, growth and development.
Watch this short video to hear from some of the participants of the Government Communication Service’s ‘Connecting Diverse Voices’ scheme.

If you want to understand more about enhancing diversity in your workplace, look for the OpenLearn Badged Open Course ‘Diversity and inclusion in the workplace [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] ’.
Now you have a better idea of the impact mentoring can have, in the next section you’ll start to look at the process involved.