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Exploring career mentoring and coaching
Exploring career mentoring and coaching

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2.1 The 5 C Model

The 5 C model (Pegg, 1999, p. 139) supports a mentee who wants to focus on a particular set of challenges or has a range of options to decide between. The 5 Cs are:

  • Challenges – an issue or problem the mentee is currently facing
  • Choices – the options available to them for dealing with that issue or problem
  • Consequences – the consequences of choosing one option over another
  • Creative solutions – other solutions that the mentor and mentee might come up with during their discussion
  • Conclusions – a decision about what to do next and a commitment to take action.

Harvey (2020) offers a useful list of the possible questions/prompts that a mentor could use at each stage, including:


  • Which is the first challenge you would like to explore?
  • What outcomes would you like to achieve?
  • What three things can you do to give yourself the greatest chance of success?


  • What possible options do you have for tackling the challenge?
  • What are the pros and cons of each option?
  • What would happen if you ‘did nothing’?


  • Explore how attractive each option feels.
  • Describe all the possible negatives.
  • Rate the attractiveness of each option on a scale of 1-10.

Creative solutions

  • Looking at the options you have generated, is it possible to take the best parts from each option and create a new road? How would this look?
  • Learn from your own successful history.
  • Explore best practice and positive models.


  • Prepare your action plan with the key steps.
  • What can you do to get some early success?
  • Reality check – rate your desire to pursue this option, and rate the possibility of success on a scale of 1-10.