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Improving patient, family and colleague witnesses’ experiences of Fitness to Practise proceedings
Improving patient, family and colleague witnesses’ experiences of Fitness to Practise proceedings

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About this course

This course is for members of the public, health and social care professionals, Fitness to Practise panel members, regulators’ panel members, employers, unions/professional bodies and Fitness to Practise lawyers.

If you complete this course, it will provide insight and understanding about how members of the public experience the Fitness to Practise process and how best to support people.

The course is split into five sessions, which include optional activities. The sessions are:

  1. Raising a concern
  2. How do people experience the process of raising a concern?
  3. How do people experience the Fitness to Practise process after raising a concern?
  4. How do people experience the Fitness to Practise hearing?
  5. Research recommendations

The course contains quotations taken from real cases and therefore may contain some errors in grammar.