Course conclusion: thinking about Fitness to Practise
This resource has explored the findings from the research project ‘Witness to Harm, Holding to account [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] ’. It discussed the experiences of people who have been part of the Fitness to Practise process, raising a concern about registered professionals. Session 1 introduced you to the Fitness to Practise process and explored the reasons why someone would want to raise a concern about a professional. Session 2 explored the ways to raise a concern and how easy (or not) it is to do this. Sessions 3 and 4 explained the experiences of people who have raised a concern and what it is like to be a witness at a hearing. Finally, we presented the recommendations from our research findings which explain how the experience of the Fitness to Practise process could be improved for members of the public or people who are witnesses at a hearing.
Our recommendations include:
- compassion and integrity in dealing with concerns
- greater clarity regarding where, when and how to report concerns
- greater inclusion in the Fitness to Practise process
- greater use of experts who understand or specialise in particular issues
- information, preparation and other increased support
- reduction in the duration of the process
- regulators to make themselves more visible to the public, ‘to promote themselves and their role’.
Activity: reflection point
Now you have completed this course, think about what you have learned.
How would you rate your knowledge of Fitness to Practise processes and how people experience these?
Did this course improve your knowledge of Fitness to Practise processes and how people experience these?
How will you use the knowledge learned in this course? Make some notes in the text box below.
This study/project is funded by the NIHR HS&DR programme (NIHR131322). The views expressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the NIHR or the Department of Health and Social Care.
As you may be aware, we are currently running an evaluation project for this resource. Please evaluate your experience of this course in the following survey.