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Principles and practices of peace education
Principles and practices of peace education

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Quakers in Britain

There are many organisations working for peace and peace education in the UK and beyond. The Open University is collaborating with Quakers in Britain [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] who co-chair the Peace Education Network, a collection of organisations and individuals working in peace education, with Pax Christi. Quakers support alternative ways of resolving conflict and global disarmament. They believe education is key to building a compassionate, peaceful world and are pioneers in peace education.

The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) is a radical faith group with its roots in Christianity. It emerged in the mid-seventeenth century as a group with no separate priesthood, and with a form of worship based in silence. It believes there is ‘that of God in everyone’. This has inspired Quakers to take a clear stand for peace and non-violence.

Quakers in Britain published the 2022 report Peace at the Heart: A relational approach to education in British schools, on which this course draws.