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Principles and practices of peace education
Principles and practices of peace education

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Further learning

Something to read

1. The Museum of Peace [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland has been founded to help people explore and visualise peace. Their website notes that:

We aspire to peace, we idealise it – but we don’t spend as much time exploring and reflecting on it as we do with war.

The website has much to explore, but for now you may find it helpful to explore the section Pockets of Peace, an idea that might be useful as you and your educational community explore what peace means to you.

Something to watch

1. This video from Peacemakers gives an overview of peace education, including an explanation of peace keeping, peace making and peace building:

Peace Education Overview

2. This video about feelings and mindfulness was made for BBC Children in Need in 2021. If the video itself is not suitable for your group to watch, it explains three mindfulness strategies that you might like to share with them.
