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Principles and practices of peace education
Principles and practices of peace education

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Further learning

Something to read

1. To support this session, you are recommended to read pages 32–37 of Peace at the Heart. This section offers a valuable overview of peace education as a critical pedagogy.

Peace at the Heart [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)]

2. The Oxfam publication Teaching Controversial Issues: A guide for teachers is available as a download from the Oxfam website.

Something to watch

1. Watch this video from Education Scotland where two of the seven Glasgow Girls talk about their experiences of campaigning for better treatment of asylum seekers in the UK.

Glasgow Girls

You can find education resources to support the use of this story in the classroom at Education Scotland . Further resources about the girls’ work can be found on the Educational Institute of Scotland website.