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Principles and practices of peace education
Principles and practices of peace education

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2.1 Working towards a coherent ethos of peace

The diagram below is a representation of the overlapping layers of peace that contribute to an interconnected web of relationships – a coherent ecology – of peace in an educational community. Note that ‘learning to relate’ is at the core of the diagram with each layer describing the interlinked components of this. Each layer represents one of the four aspects of peace that you have studied in this course.

Described image
Figure 3 The overlapping layers of peace

As you can see, the layers of peace education that you have covered during this course interrelate, and a peaceful school community depends on every member feeling empowered to play their part, however small. Peace at the Heart reminds us that:

A ‘peace school’ is not so much a place where the principles of peace are fully accomplished, but where they are practised and learnt every day.

(PATH, 2022, p. 38).

Sustainable peaceful communities endure amongst the comings and goings of staff, students and families. It can take many years of carefully planned work to establish a long-lasting ethos of peace throughout every aspect of the school.