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Principles and practices of peace education
Principles and practices of peace education

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2.2 Resources to support your peace journey

Schools and educators are not alone in their peace work. Throughout this course you have been introduced to organisations that support aspects of peace building in school. These range from charities such as Oxfam, faith groups such as Quakers in Britain (the co-authors of this course) and national initiatives like Scottish Peer Mediation and Ideas For Global Citizenship (IDEAS). These groups offer a range of resources which might be used for supporting schools’ development in all aspects of peace education. You’ll find links to these organisations on the resources and recommendations page.

With Pax Christi, Quakers in Britain also co-chair the Peace Education Network. Many of the organisations you have met during this course are members of the Peace Education Network. On their website you will find Teach Peace Packs for primary and secondary schools, which have a wealth of activities for peace education. The website also has links to other helpful groups.

There are also organisations (such as Facing History and Ourselves) which offer lesson plans, training and ways of approaching topics in peace in the wider world. Philosophy for Children (P4C) offers an approach for exploring some of the themes that have been discussed in this course. As well as this there are schools accreditation schemes that support peace education, such as UNICEF’s Rights Respecting Schools, and the Welsh Centre for International Affairs, which has a Peace Schools Award scheme and offers training and curriculum materials for schools in Wales. Such schemes also offer resources to support schools on their peace journeys. Once more, the resources and recommendations page of this course contains links to these organisations.

Whilst there can be cost implications for some of the resources and training that these sites offer, there are also often free resources that you might explore as you begin your peace journey.